Emotional value of our everyday apps

Each of our favorite app/platform offers us a unique experience that has a unique emotional value.

Emotional value of our everyday apps

I really believe that any digital product or service can offer us more than the value we  can think of. In fact, our app that we use every day can offer us emotional value that  we sometimes tend to overlook.

I wanted to shed some light on some of the apps that many of us use, and what are the emotions that drive us to keep using and enjoying these apps.

Instagram = Social validation

Emotional value = Social validation boost, recognition of others, the feeling of importance, status, approval ...

Reddit = Community

Emotional value = A sense of belonging to a group or community of similar interests or struggles.

Discord = Teamwork

Nothing feeling like teamwork than playing games with your friend on Discord.

Emotional value = Companionship, teamwork, collaboration.

TikTok = Self expression

TikTok give us the room to express ourselves in unique and awesome ways thanks to its great editing tools.

Twitch = Companionship

What makes watching video game steams different from anything else, is that feeling of being part of the journey and fun of gaming with another person(the streamer).