Building a music app Part 4: Creating the Frond-end with NextJs and Tailwind CSS.

Building a music app Frond-end with NextJs and Tailwind CSS

Building a music app Part 4: Creating the Frond-end with NextJs and Tailwind CSS.

After deciding to move forward with the most recent prototype in Figma, I had already a clear vision of what I was trying to build. And, I also had a simple design system documented in Figma, which made building the UI a very simple process.

Component structure

I split the components into 3 main sections as follows

  • Components/UI contains the UI primitives used in the design, like buttons, sliders, progress bars and the grid system.
  • Components/Playlist Contains the components for a playlist like the playlist card, and the track card
  • Components/Player Contains the components for the audio player components like the slider, volume controls etc
  • Components/Common Containing elements like the Navigation, Footer.
Component file structure

I organized each of the components in its own folder that contains the following.

  • .tsx for the component logic
  • index.ts to export the component
  • .module.css which contains the styling code.

Using Tailwind CSS

Tailwind is a CSS framework that helped me apply quick styling to the different components without needing to write long CSS code. Below is an example of tailwind used to style a simple Grid component.

Multi-themes with Next-themes

Next-themes is a library that makes working with themes very easy. I create a simple Theme selector UI component and use the hook provided by the library to switch themes.

After that I needed to create the configuration of CSS variables in the base CSS stylesheet that contains a simple configuration for each theme, outlining things like accent, text and background colors.

Audio Player with Typescript

The audio Player was the biggest challenge of this project. Luckily, I found a simple audio player implementation in typescript from an Engineering team that worked on a similar project.

The project provided a state that takes an array of tracks and provides simple controls like Play/Pause, volume controls etc.  

To adapt the project to my use case, I had to add few functions to the player class like changing the playlist, and loading the tracks for each playlist.

Data fetching with NextJs

NextJs provides us with 2 great ways to fetch data from the back-end. GetServerSideProps is called on each client request and used for cases where data is changed frequently, like a news feed.  

GetStaticProps is called on build time and is used to build static pages that don't change very often, like blog pages etc.

I decided to fetch data during build time because the playlist pages won't change very frequently.

Apollo Client and GraphQL

Apollo client is a makes it easier to work with GraphQL. It takes care of things like in cache memory etc. The code below show how this library is used with GetStaticProps to  send a GraphQL query and load the playlist data from the server.


Get the code

The full source code of the NextJs app is available here.